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Member since 12/2004

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the presenter!! omg I almost peed my pants laughing.


I just bought the same mug when I was in San Francisco! I love it.


Actually to be totally honest, I purchased both a San Francisco mug featuring the Golden Gate bridge AND the California mug. Then I thought about buying the Toronto one. I see what you did there, Starbucks.


Dear A,

I forgive you. It's not your fault. The allure of Starbucks can only be measured in ceramics.

My only regret about The Presenter is that I did not follow through with my initial plan to steal the Presenter's magical Starbucks mug and smash it into a million pieces before moving out.

However, I am sure that I in the short 8 months I lived in that hole, I managed to make thier lives hell. And, if I didn't, I am sure the memory of Andrei .... yadda yadda yadda ... will live on with them forever =P

Love, B

P.S. I like the mug. And hope to sip from it joyously in the near future.

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